Best Dating Sites

These are the most popular dating sites right now. No question.

EHarmony made this list of best dating sites for over 50 because of the ease of use for Seniors. Online dating is difficult, even when you're using the best dating sites for professionals. You need carefully curated photos, an eye-catching profile, and clever messages to get responses. Once those pieces are in place, you’ve got to search for matches, then keep the conversation flowing towards a number exchange or date.

Online dating can… for some men… SUCK. If you are one of those men, you are about to discover the top 10 best dating sites for men AND how to get more dates with my proven methods.

When it comes to online dating, men clearly have a large disadvantage.

They have to send more messages, work harder on their profile pictures, craft award-winning bios and live with the fact that most dating sites have more men than women.

Don’t believe me?

In a recent study conducted by Out of all the messages men sent to women (same age) only 4% of those women replied.

What…. the…. F**K??!

That number should shock you.

But it should also inspire you.

Why? Well, because it means that men are doing something VERY wrong with their dating profiles to cause such a low response rate.

That also means that if you use EVERY strategy I’m going to teach you below… you will be ahead of at least 95% of the guys using online dating right now.

But first, let me show you what the best dating sites are:

NOTE: If you prefer the raunchier side of dating, then you should take a look at our top adult dating sites.

Our #1 Top Matchmaking Dating Site

Forget the hookup ups like Tinder or Bumble and swiping until your thumb hurts. The easiest way to take advantage of online dating is by hiring a professional matchmaker at It’s Just Lunch. Sounds cheesy… but take our word for it. It’s super simple. You submit your profile to a matchmaker, they look through thousands of similar profiles of women and BOOM… they give you a handful of matches you can arrange dates with.

No time wasted, no money wasted and most importantly you can meet women who are actually interested in dating and not out to get a free meal or use you as entertainment for an hour.

The Most Trusted European Dating Site For Single Men

If you’re serious about finding a longterm girlfriend or even a wife, then most dating sites or apps just won’t be for you. For most men, the regular dating sites just won’t cut it. This is why we recommend using a service like Love Me. These guys will help you find a potential girlfriend or wife by scouring the most suitable women in the most sort after countries.

The best service we’ve seen for meeting beautiful Russian, Latin and Asian women.

Check the video out below to learn more about them…

These Are The Top 10 Best Dating Sites Online Right Now

#1: Zoosk

Most popular dating site amongst young singles.

With over 38 million single people actively using their Zoosk accounts, it’s no wonder this site is a haven for single fellas. It has a super slick app for both the Android and iPhone, plus the ideal age is between 20 and 40. No oldies on this one!

#2: Elite Singles (UK)

Best for well educated single folks looking to date other brain boxes.

Are you only attracted to smarter well-educated women? Sweeeeet. Elite Singles is perfect for you then. They have more than 13 million people between 25 and 50, all from a cultivated and educated background. How? All profiles are MANUALLY vetted.

#3: Match

Most trusted dating site with very strong dating apps.

Best Dating Sites For Women Over 40

Probably the most well known and trusted dating site online I’d say, both in the US and UK. It boasts the highest success rate for matching singles and has more than 96 million of them… What? The ideal age is 25-50, so a wider range if you like dating up or down.

Best dating sites 2020

#4: eHarmony

Best for long term relationships.

With a highly sophisticated matching system, eHarmony has made a name for itself by using science-backed questions to find you a suitable date or even life partner. It does tend to attract slightly older people (30 to 50) than the other more trendy dating sites. But it does have a proven track record. Full review here.

#5: Dating direct

An abundance of both men and women, no disproportionate ratios.

If you don’t like the pressure of dating, then Dating Direct might be a better fit for you. Once you sign up, you’ll get a new partner suggestion every day and these aren’t bots either, they are real manually verified human women… whooop! Ages range from 25 to 50.

#6: Love Struck


Best for busy people that still want to date.

Are you a self-confessed flirter that’s just too busy? Maybe Love Struck will satisfy that cheeky side. This location based dating site focuses on women around you that are time poor but eager to get a date.

#7: My Single Friend (UK)

Great people who don’t know what to write on their profile.

Everyone has a single friend that is… well – always single. If that’s YOU (yes the single dude) then you should ask one of your good mates to help you out, by writing an honest profile for you. Perfect social proof, that will get you dates.

#8: Ok Cupid

Best for the younger crowd and more casual hookups.

25 million people and counting have tried Ok Cupid. Not just because of their brutal and honest approach to dating, but because it just works. The app is great, the site is easy to use and you will find an abundance of women here. Full review here.

#9: Match Affinity (UK)

Free personality report and designed for long term relationships.

Match launched a similar service to eHarmony which makes you answer a series of questions that allow you to see what type of person you are and who you might be better suited with. The average age of member is between 30 and 50.

#10: Plenty Of Fish

Best for those who don’t want to spend money.

POF has been around since cavemen roamed the mountains. Ok, maybe it’s not that old, but it’s still the oldest dating site online. Why is it so popular? Well, it’s free. But it also offers a comprehensive “Chemistry Report” and it has over 90 million members so it’s worth a look.

5 Honest Truths When It Comes To Online Dating That Will Save You Hours Of Wasted Time

You need to understand these truths before you continue.

I need you to promise me something before I spill the truth…

Never become the gullible guy that believes what he sees when dating online.

What I mean by that is, learn the tricks women use, filter out the junk and always keep testing.

Otherwise you will just be wasting your own time and money.

Ok, now let’s get onto the truth (which most guys don’t pay attention to) that will get you more dates with quality women.

1. Learn what tricks women use in photos

Women are sneaky, they know that men are visual creatures and require a pretty female in order to attract potential suitors.

So here’s what you need to look for when scanning a woman’s dating profile:

  • Does she only have headshots? This is a red flag. It usually means that she’s fat and doesn’t want to show off her body.
  • Is there only one type of angle/pose? If she constantly uses the same damn pose or angel to take a headshot, it means she’s ugly. You can bet she took dozens of shots before that one, just to find the right angle and lighting.
  • Are her friends in more than one photo? If she’s constantly with her friends and they are MORE attractive than her. Abandon immediately. It means she’s the best of a really bad bunch and is trying to make herself look better. Remember… like attracts like.
  • What story do her photos tell? Look at all her photos. Is she eating food in them, always in PJ’s, always out drinking, always with guys etc. They can tell you the type of girl she really is.

2. Understand you are at a disadvantage

Like I said in the beginning, men are at a huge disadvantage with online dating sites. So don’t get hooked into believing women will magically contact you if you don’t have good photos, a decent bio and filtering system.

If there’s a pretty girl who is in contact with you, I guarantee she’s in contact with at least 10 other guys, all asking her out on a date.

So get your shit together and realise this is a game you must play.

3. Look at her worst picture first

Always… ALWAYS… look at her worst picture first.

Why? Because this is what she really looks like bro. Seriously, women take pictures of themselves all the time.

With friends on nights out, at college, with their parents, on holidays, random selfies etc.

When you take that many shots, you start to get an idea of how to look good, even though you don’t look THAT good in real life.

4. Filter out the bad ones or pay later

There will be multiple women who just want to waste your time. They all have their reasons, but here are the most common:

Best Dating Sites
  • Boredom: Women like to feel entertained by men and what better way to do that than using a dating profile to make the day go faster whilst at work.
  • Attention: Women get insecure and like to feel validated. The best way to do this is by having hundreds of men tell you how beautiful you are and how they want to buy you thinks or have sex with you.

Here’s how to spot the bad ones:

  • Friend seekers: This girl just wants to find friends because she’s lonely and bored. Indicators are long thought out messages and quick responses.
  • Goody-goody: She wants to find “The One”. Indicators include saying she just wants to be friends, is religious and doesn’t like talking about sex.
  • Serial daters: They just love dating and have been on hundreds of dates. Unfortunately, you may have to meet this girl before ditching her. She will say things like “I’ve used online dating before”.

5. She will lose interest… FAST

Put yourself in an attractive girls shoes for a moment.

You have dozens of men all vying for your attention multiple times throughout the day.

Who do you get back to and why?

There are so many hours and only so much interest before she gets tired of replying if you don’t offer her the value she seeks.

This is why you need to apply my techniques below to hook her in…

15 Proven Online Dating Techniques To Get More Dates In Less Time

Proven dating techniques you should use on the best dating sites above.

Below are my tried and tested techniques for getting your dating profile noticed and getting dates in several hours. Yes seriously.

Once you apply these techniques, you will see a stream of prospective women lining up to date you.

Let’s get into it:


#1: Don’t use selfies: Selfies are for teenagers and insta-whores. Not men who want to date online. They make you look retarded, stop it.

#2: Get one good headshot: It’s not recommended to have more than one headshot. So make sure it’s a good one. Here’s how to take a great one.

#3: Half body shots are the key:This study shows you that full body shots suck, so fill your profile with half body shots if you can.

#4: Test your profile photos: Use this awesome tool to get feedback on your photos. Then use those photos in your profile. Boom!

#5: Don’t wear sunglasses: Unless you’re on a beach with a shot of you showing off your six pack. Leave the sunglasses off. Women want to see your eyes, it helps with likability and trust. Women are crazy, they think they are going to get killed by an axe murderer, so trust is important.


#6: Don’t fluff talk: Saying things like “I love travelling, I’m fun and intelligent. I love dogs” blah blah. It’s boring and vague. Be specific.

#7: Stay positive: No one cares about your divorce, breakup or the fact you were cheated on. Keep it upbeat and positive.

#8: Say something unique: Do you like travelling? Then say your favourite place in the world and why. Have you done something that most people haven’t? Share it.

#9: Don’t lie: Most men lie about their height, age and income. Stop doing that! Be honest and own it.

#10: Find the balance: You need to find the middle ground with humour, intelligence and confidence. Too much of any of these three things will put women off.

Pro tip: Always double check your grammar and spelling with dating profiles. It’s one of those areas where it matters… a lot. Women will judge you on your ability to use basic grammar and spelling. It says to them that you are educated and pay attention to the details.


#11: Use clever/cheeky/funny subject lines: If the service you use allows subject lines, use something that grabs attention like “Uh-oh, I Think I’ve Found The One…”.

#12: Get her number ASAP: You should be asking for her phone number and talking to her on the phone inside of 3 emails max. The longer you leave it, the less chance you have of meeting her. Whatever you do, don’t text her… always call.

#13: Don’t be predictable: Predictable emails are what all the other douchey guys will send her. Be short and sweet in your emails and never use phrases like “Cool, so why are you on here anyway?”.

#14: Be calm and confident: Don’t use emojis, multiple exclamation marks, smileys, kisses or sound like you’re a child buzzing from ice cream. Just relax, she’s just a girl.

#15: Add her on Facebook: If you don’t like the phone or feel uncomfortable asking for the number. Just add her on Facebook first and work the social proof angel instead.

Most Common Questions From Men About Online Dating

What are the best free dating sites?

Plenty of Fish is probably the top one, but OkCupid is also up there. I wouldn’t advise trying anything else if money is a concern. There are tons of members on POF, it’s easy to use and my techniques work on there.

What are women looking for on dating sites?

Women are as equally picky online as men are, but they are looking for something slightly different. They want both common interests, physical characteristics and a blend of a bad boy and nice guy.

How can I write a compelling online dating profile?

Don’t do what everyone else does. You need a balance of humour and wit, but you also need to display independence, maturity and success. Women don’t want a self-obsessed man-child who hasn’t got his shit together.

Why am I not getting dates/laid?

You’re most likely doing something that every other guy is doing. The best thing to do is back engineer each section of your profile and test. Change photos, bio copy, email headlines etc. Never lie though, always tell the truth. Also make sure you’re using the best online dating apps so you can mix things up.

I’m ugly and overweight, will dating sites work for me?

I’ll be honest, your online dating success rate will be lower than a good looking guy. BUT… with the right techniques (which I list above) and the willingness to test, you will still do well.

Best Dating Sites Conclusion… What To Do Next:

Now that you know which dating sites have the most potential and how to make sure you beat 95% of all other guys on them.

What are you waiting for?

Start putting all the techniques I mentioned above into action.

Let me break it down for you…

  1. Choose a dating site from the list above
  2. Get some quality photos
  3. Write your bio
  4. Start contacting women using the techniques mentioned
  5. Get laid (hopefully)

And that is it.

Do you agree with my list of the best dating sites? If not, let me know why in the comments…

Also if you don’t find any of these sites useful, then be sure to read our best pua training guides to meet women in real life.

You should also read: is a resource dedicated to online dating that comprehensively covers all aspects of the subject. You will find a huge amount of information here, including useful advice for beginners and detailed reviews of a number of the leading online dating sites. To help you make an informed decision about where to sign up, we have ranked the best sites of 2018 in a number of categories. The following are the best overall options:

  • One of the largest dating sites
  • Very trusted and reputable name
  • Outstanding matchmaking system
  • Excellent value with great features is probably the most well-known and trusted dating services on the internet today. They offer their members everything they need to find the right match for them and they have proven to be successful over the years.

  • Matchmaking system designed by Dr. Helen Fisher
  • Especially good for professional singles
  • Advanced personality testing for best results
  • Good subscription offers available

Best Dating Sites Las Vegas has a great reputation throughout the industry and does things a little different than other sites. They have been very successful with their approach and their numbers continue to rise with their members.

  • Free trial membership
  • 'Icebreakers' for easy contact
  • Duet® Total Compatibility System for matchmaking
  • A little pricey but very good value is another one of the major players in the online dating industry. They offer many unique features that you will only find there and like other big names they have proven to have a successful matchmaking system.


  • Very large number of members
  • Unique matching system that works
  • Claim the most successful marriages
  • Easy to sign up and get started

eHarmony is one of the biggest names in the industry. They were founded by Dr. Neil Clark Warren who was a clinical psychologist. They are one of the most successful dating services in the world and they continue to grow.

Best Dating Sites 2020

5Christian Mingle

  • Great popularity for Christian site
  • Designed to build a community for people
  • Free trial available to try service out
  • Prayer board and worship center

Best Dating Sites Houston

Christian Mingle is by far the most popular Christian dating site around today. They have a very active community that allows you to find potential matches from all over. They are certainly our top pick for Christian singles.

Mens Advice for Ladies Online Profiles

March 7, 2016 by Leanne Clute

Whether you’re just checking out friends of friends on Facebook, lining up a date for the weekend on OkCupid, or looking for a future husband on, finding love online can get just as intense and confusing as the real …

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There are any number of reasons why you should try online dating, and no real reason why you shouldn’t give it a go. Many people find it hard to meet that someone special and dating sites offer a convenient and effective way to meet people that are in the same position. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for a serious relationship, are interested in casual meetings or even just looking to make some new friends – there is every chance that you will be able to find exactly what you want at a dating website.


Best Dating Sites Richmond Va

Online dating may once have been considered a bit seedy by some people or perhaps seen as a sign of desperation, but that really is no longer the case. It is very much a socially acceptable idea and you might be surprised at just how many people use, or have used, these types of services. You don’t even have to spend any money, as there are a number of free places that provide their services without any cost involved.

Types of Services

A key part of our guide is the section on the various types of dating sites. In this section we have listed a number of different categories and then ranked the best ones within each category. There is actually quite a variety of categories, such as services that cater for a particular religion or cultural background. There are also dating websites that are for people within a specified age group and even some for people in certain professions. Some of the most popular categories we cover are as follows:

Best Dating Sites

  • Please see Types of Dating Sites for our full list.

About Us

Best Online Dating Sites 2021

This website has been produced based on a combination of research and personal experience. We should point out that much of what we write is a matter of opinion and should be treated as such. All the advice and information we provide is done so in good faith and we very much hope that you find it useful. We are committed to making as comprehensive as we possibly can and we keep the site regularly updated. We are frequently adding more site reviews and new articles offering dating and relationship advice, so please come back often. Finally, we would like to wish you the best of luck with your online dating in 2018!