First Dating App

“Describe yourself in one emoji. I'll go first: 💅”

Online dating should be simple. FirstMet is one of the largest online dating sites with over 30 million people looking to chat, flirt, and date. You can sign up with Facebook, making it quick and easy to create rich, authentic online profiles, so you can begin meeting men or women near you immediately. Following the release of Master of None’s second season, viewers took their love and adoration for the show to a place made for love and adoration: dating apps. Dev’s (Aziz Ansari) classic line. Voice first dating: highly personal, hard to fake Tired of swiping through photos all day? Start listening to real human voices instead. Meet new singles and connect at a deeper level! SwoonMe is a free voice dating app meant to eliminate superficial dating through sound bites and avatars (a cartoonized version of photos) for millennials. Nothing kills your online dating game quicker than being dull, assuming she's on a dating app just to hook up, or sounding just like every other guy who's messaged her that day. Meet More High-Quality Women – Fast! We’ve shared 11 first message examples that work brilliantly, but that’s only the beginning.

Originally Published:

Coming up with the first message you send a new dating app match isn’t easy. That first message sets the tone for your conversation, and if the best opener you can come up with is, “Hey,” then chances are things are going to go downhill fast. Of course, when you've never met someone before and don't already know their tastes and opinions, making convo can be a little challenging, which is where dating app icebreakers come in handy. When you start your dating app convo off with a clever question or quip, then your match is far more likely to respond than if you hit them with, “Hey.”

As professional dating profile writer Eric Resnick previously told Elite Daily, swiping on dating apps is all about volume, so you want to use dating app opening lines that leave a lasting impression. Otherwise, you’ll quickly be forgotten in a sea of matches. “The best move is to ask them a question about something in their profile,” Resnick said. “First messages should be questions that can’t be answered in a yes or no.” That way, the convo will always have somewhere to go.

Even if you're feeling awkward about sending that first message, these dating app openers are perfect for breaking the ice and catching your match’s attention.

  • Your dog is amazingly cute. What's their name? (You're also not bad looking yourself, BTW.)
  • What's the strangest nickname you've ever been given and how did you earn it?
  • What fictional friend group would you like to join?
  • Important question: What do you think is the best way to prepare for a zombie apocalypse?
  • Describe yourself in one emoji. I’ll go first: 💅
  • If you had to pick only one music artist to listen to for the rest of your life, who would you pick?
  • What kind of trouble are you going to get up to this weekend?
  • Rank the three worst movies of all time. Go!
  • How do you take your coffee?
  • What would be your dream job if money didn't matter?
  • So I see that you're a Yankees fan. Would the fact that I root for the Red Sox keep you from talking to me?
  • Dogs or cats? And yes, there is a right answer.
  • If you could switch lives with one person for a day, who would it be?
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  • It looks like you’re a Harry Potter fan. Which Hogwarts house would the Sorting Hat most likely put you in?
  • What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
  • What actor would you pick to play you in a biopic?
  • What's your grossest hidden talent? Don’t be shy.
  • Where was that third pic in your profile taken? It looks beautiful there!
  • What do you consider the worst smell in the world and why?
  • What's one thing that never fails to make you cringe?
  • What was your first-ever email address or screen name? If you tell me yours, I promise to tell you mine.
  • If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you pick and what would you ask them?
  • What part of a kids' movie scarred you for life?
  • Where was the first place you drove after getting your driver's license?
  • What have you ever chickened out of doing that you'd like to do now?
  • How long do you think you would last in the Hunger Games?
  • Which Marvel superhero would you be if you could choose?
  • What is the coolest place you've ever visited?
  • What’s the worst opening line you’ve ever gotten on a dating app? (And I really hope it isn’t this one.)

When Did Online Dating Begin

Whether you make a simple joke or offer a thoughtful question, your match will be grateful you made that first move.


Eric Resnick, professional dating profile writer

Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.

'What's your favorite snack besides me?'

Originally Published:

Whether or not you ever pictured yourself picking up potential partners on a dating app, it's kind of an inevitable part of the world we live in now. And, depending on who you ask, dating apps are either a stellar resource or a major source of stress. Between figuring out the right questions to ask on a dating app, navigating the unspoken rules about the frequency of messages, and crafting a profile that captures your personality, there’s a lot of thought that goes into a successful dating profile. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the prospect of coming up with dating app questions that will help break the ice, you’re not alone.

First Appointment Dating

“It’s not uncommon for my clients to need help at the beginning of an online flirtation,” says Toronto-based dating expert and breakup coach Natalia Juarez. “We’ll look at a couple profiles that they really like in a session and brainstorm together all the things they could say to this person. Oftentimes my clients just need to talk things through, but then eventually they start self-coaching and it comes a lot more naturally. Once they just see how many possibilities there are for starting a conversation, they feel much better.”

First Dating App

When kicking off a conversation on a dating app, it can also be helpful to have a sense of what you don’t want to do. “Don't be boring,” Juarez cautions. “The ‘Hey, how are you’ and ‘How was your weekend’ opening lines? I can’t believe people are still doing that! It’s so lazy, and you’re making me do all the work!” Instead, Juarez says simply showing a bit of imagination will go a long way.

In the end, Juarez acknowledges that for many women, the idea of taking the reins of the conversation can be intimidating, especially because women have been socialized to cede control to men. If you struggle with this, Juarez has a solution. Instead of thinking of your opening line as an active pursuit of your match, she says to think of it more as a lure. “It’s a green light, an invitation. With your opening line, you’re saying ‘the door’s open.’ It’s like being at a restaurant, looking over, and smiling at someone. It’s just inviting.”

So go ahead and flash that green light, hit the gas, and cruise on into the flirtationship of your dreams with these clever questions to ask on a dating app.

Remember that episode of Friends when Ross and Rachel make their lists of celebrities that they're allowed to cheat on each other with? Everyone’s got their list, whether they admit it or not. And who cares if the chances of meeting Tessa Thompson and hooking up with her are pretty slim? This flirty question is bound to get the conversation flowing.

You’ll instantly be able to see if you’ve snagged yourself a Nobel Prize–winner who thanks their mom, or a Kids’ Choice Award–winner who says their hero is “me in 10 years” à la 2014 Matthew McConaughey.

When in doubt, get creative and don’t overthink it — it only takes one great question to open up a world of possibilities.

When Did Dating Apps Start


Free Dating Apps

Natalia Juarez, breakup and dating coach